Apr 2017

New iphone coming up?

Superstitions, rumours, gossips, expectations, they are all talking about the launch of a new iphone. Fans are on cloud 9 as they have shared their preferences and requests with the company and expects them to be fulfilled with this new launch. Superstitions, rumours, gossips, expectations, they are all talking about the launch of a new iphone. Fans are on cloud 9 as they have shared their preferences and requests with the company and expects them to be fulfilled with this new launch. Superstitions, rumours, gossips, expectations, they are all talking about the launch of a new iphone. Fans are on cloud 9 as they have shared their preferences and requests with the company and expects them to be fulfilled with this new launch. Superstitions, rumours, gossips, expectations, they are all talking about the launch of a new iphone. Fans are on cloud 9 as they have shared their preferences and requests with the company and expects them to be fulfilled with this new launch.

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