
Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and always has been respected by us. This privacy policy covers how we collect, use, disclose your personal or anonymous information submitted by this website.

Collection of personal information

The personal information we collect from you allow us better understand our visitors, customers and potential customers. We may use this information to optimize our products and services to offer you better support and keep you posted about the latest date, chances, changes of this privacy policy and using terms.

Personal information collected from you and other resources

The personal information we collect from you is submitted on this website with your explicit consent.

Some information may be collected when you visit this website, such as your IP address, browser type, domain name, visiting time and operation system. We may use Cookie and URL to collect your visiting date and time date, and information which you may search and browse. This collected information may allow us to offer you more personalised help with our products and services.

We may collect your personal information from other resources including but not limited to emails, phone calls and faxed. We may combine this information with the collected personal information to improve our services.


Cookies are small text files that our services ask to place on your computer’s hard drive. If your browser is set to accept cookies, then your browser adds the text in a small file. You can decide whether or not to accept cookies. However, if you choose not to accept cookies, you may not be able to take advantage of some of our features and services.

Personal information collected through purchases

When you purchase product on this website, you may be limited by additional sales terms which demand you to be permitted to use some embedded Apps (if there are). These additional terms or permissions may control your rights to this product.


We may use your feedback submitted on this website for any purpose without disclosing your personal information. We may collect any relevant information and process them according to this privacy policy.

Third party disclosure

Your personal information will not be exchanged, rented or shared with any third party unless stated in this privacy policy.

Your personal information may be shared with the third party to process payment or help you visit this website. At times we may make certain personal information available to strategic partners that work with us to provide services. Personal information will only be shared by us and the third party to provide or improve our products, services and advertising; it will not be shared with third parties for their marketing purposes.

Third party links

We may offer you links for any other website for your convenience, this does not represent our consent to these websites or their content. We will not control or censor these external websites or their content, neither are we responsible for any of them.


Although we take great efforts to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee and you cannot reasonably expect that our databases will be immune from any wrongdoings, malfunctions, unlawful interceptions or access, or other kinds of abuse and misuse.

Changes to Terms

SeoTiv may, at any time, for any reason and without notice, make changes to (i) this Website, including its look, feel, format, and content, as well as (ii) the products and/or services as described in this Website. Any modifications will take effect when posted to the Website. Therefore, each time you access the Website, you need to review the Terms of Use upon which access and use of this Website is conditioned. By your continuous use of the Website after changes are posted, you will be deemed to have accepted such changes.

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